FREE Milestone Checklist

FREE Milestone Checklist

Wondering if your baby or toddler is on track with their early communication skills? This FREE quick checklist tells you what to expect for ages 0-3 years of age!

Everyday Language Guide

This downloadable PDF guide offers practical ideas and simple scripts for building your baby or toddler’s language skills (before they even start talking) during everyday activities.

17 routines for $17

I’m so glad you’re here!

I’m a pediatric Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) with more than 15 years of experience helping families just like yours.

My expertise isn't just rooted in professional experience; it's also deeply personal. I'm a wife and mom of two. 

My introduction to motherhood came with a lot of scary, unexpected challenges and overwhelm... along with a profound realization- parents deserve more than just guesswork and uncertainty as they guide their child's development.

I founded Play Talk Love to provide expertise, empathy and experience to parents and caregivers during the most important years of their child's life.

I've helped thousands of families successfully nurture and navigate their child's speech and language skills. 

Whether you're navigating early language milestones or facing unexpected challenges, you don't have to do it alone. I'm here to help!

1:1 Support

  • Early Language 1:1

    45 Minute 1:1 Virtual Consultation with Chelsea

  • Cleft & Speech 1:1

    45 minute 1:1 Virtual Consultation with Chelsea

What parents are saying…

  • "After feeling dismissed and guilty because my child wasn't talking... your support felt like a warm hug and actually helped me connect with my son. He's talking so much now- I can't believe it!"

    -Kayla, Mom of 2 Year Old

  • "We purchased your PDF when our son was 15 months old and only using a few sounds. He's now almost 18 months and up to 25 words and counting- the list grows every day!"

    Sarah & Matt, First Time Parents

  • I was desperate for answers because my toddler wasn't using many words. I started implementing your tips and her language has completely exploded! Thank you!

    -Robyn, Mom of a 3 Year Old

  • Not to be dramatic, but your 1:1 support was life-changing. I feel like I see my son through a totally different lens and it's not only helping my confidence and reducing my anxiety as a mom... he's happier and communicating so much more!

    - Christina, Mom of an 18 Month Old

  • "My toddler is a little over 2 now and she's freakin' rocking her language thanks to you! People are constantly shocked when they talk to her... the stuff she is able to say is crazy! It's all from what I learned and implemented with your help!"

    Megan, Toddler Mom

  • "We've been focusing on preverbal skills and using everything you've taught us we are already seeing our son imitate sounds! I would have never thought to focus on motor imitation first but it's been magical. Thank you!"

    Kathryn & John, Parents of a 15 month old

  • “As new parents to a cleft affected child, we were overwhelmed. There was a huge amount of information we needed to learn and such a heightened level of emotion that came with it all. Having an SLP who had a deep understanding of our daughter's unique needs and a wonderful ability to connect helped us understand, advocate and ultimately, set our daughter up for success."

    Beth, Mom of 4